Wednesday May 06, 2020
S03E09 Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Hang on to your denim jackets everyone, it's time to get in the pit and headbang along to some proper heavy flipping metal. Iron Maiden's 1992 one album is under the microscope this week and Krister and Dave have VERY differing views on the band as will be pretty instantly clear. How does this one sound nearly 30 years after release? Does heavy metal ever really age?
We also get the chance to talk about Suede, Ugly Kid Joe and Life of Agony as well as playing a happy hardcore version of 'Fear Of The Dark' which actually exists. Mental.
Check out that version as well as all the other stuff we talk about on our weekly episode companion playlist and get in contact via whichever of our social media you fancy with any comments, all links are on our website. Also head to our facebook page on Fridays at 8pm GMT during the lockdown to take part in our regular 90s music quiz. Until then, enjoy the episode and don't take anything that Krister says about Iron Maiden too personally!
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Lockdown 90s Music Quiz 03
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Another 90s music quiz for you to play along with - this is a re-recorded version of the live quiz we do on Friday nights on our Facebook page at 8pm GMT so please join us for the next one if you're able, we'd love to have you along. This week we've got questions about 90s novelty hits and all-girl bands as well as general trivia and our wonderful music round courtesy, as usual, of Chris Green from Tyketto who has metalled-up some more 90s pop hits for you to identify.
We also have a picture round that you can check out on our website, just name the famous 90s album covers that podcast co-host Waffles The Dog has inserted himself into (big thanks to Jenny for making this round by the way).
If you fancy challenging your friends you can download the PDF of the questions and answers from our website as well and see how you fare. Let us know if you enjoyed this one and how you got on, or let us know which ones you didn't get and feel eternally ashamed for not knowing.
Credit as well to Bensound.com once again for the wonderfully smooth muzak you can hear running underneath the questions. We shall be back next week (hopefully) with another proper episode so until then stay safe and enjoy the quiz.
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
S03E08 Carter USM '1992 - The Love Album'
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Strange as it may seem to us nowadays, Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine had an actual official number one album back in 1992. Grebo is an oft-overlooked genre from the time: is that for the best or are we unfairly overlooking what it had to offer? With opinions ranging from "not really bothered" to "actively disliked them" between Krister and Dave will this album win them round?
We talk about loads more in this episode as well including the likes of En Vogue, R. Kelly and Aphex Twin. You can hear all of the songs we discuss in our companion Spotify playlist and immerse yourself more fully in 90s goodness with our ongoing "best of the albums we've featured" playlist. Links to everything on our website as usual.
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Lockdown 90s Music Quiz 02
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Here's another of the 90s music pop quizzes we did on our Facebook Live page to keep you all entertained while we're in isolation lockdown - this is the second one we did and we focused more on alternative acts of the 90s this time. There are rounds on Nu-Metal, Britpop, anagrams and general trivia to test your brain.
And there is also another brilliant music round courtesy of Chris Green from Tyketto, this time performing big indie and alternative tunes of the 90s in a proper metal style for you to identify. Massive thanks again to him for helping us out.
Once again if you prefer to download the quiz as a PDF to do at your leisure or to test your friends then you can do so from our website and you can also download the fiendishly hard picture round that we did on the night which doesn't really work as part of a podcast.
Check out our Facebook page and join in with the next quiz, every Friday evening at 8pm GMT.
Credit as well to Bensound.com for the wonderfully smooth muzak you can hear running throughout this week's episode - nice!
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
S03E07 The Cure 'Wish'
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
We're back with a proper episode! Yes - we, two men in our 40s, worked out how to use Zoom and managed to record this episode while sitting in our pants in our respective bedrooms. And it turned out surprisingly well if we do say so ourselves. Another album that neither of us had actually ever heard before but obviously we know plenty of Cure songs so we were looking forward to this one.
Along the way we discuss L7, how Dave was almost a goth in sixth form and the Sisters of Mercy.
Companion playlist is here, links to all our social media are on our website www.pclpodcast.com and keep an eye on our facebook page for details of when our next live music quiz will be (hint: probably every Friday evening during the coronavirus lockdown at 8pm GMT).
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Lockdown 90s Music Quiz 01
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
It's Pop, Isolate & Listen this week! Everywhere is on lockdown so we decided to put together a 90s based music quiz which we held live on our Facebook page but have also uploaded for you here in case you missed it at the time. We'll hopefully be back with our normal programming next week but in the meantime test your knowledge and let us know on our social media how you did.
Big thanks to Chris Green of Tyketto for helping us out with the music round, the man is a guitar god as you will hear on here.
If you want to test your friends with this quiz you can download the PDF of the questions and answers here.
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
S03E06 Beastie Boys 'Check Your Head'
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Bonus episode alert - this was never a number one album but it's held in such high regard by both Dave and Krister that we figured it deserved an episode to discuss it. And we got our friend Si Sharp from Beat Rehab in to help us as well since he's a massive fan of it too. So we understand this is a very niche one and won't appeal to everyone, feel free to skip it if you want! But it was lots of fun to record and hopefully we can convince you that this is one of the best albums ever.
You can check out more of Si's ramblings and recommendations at Beat.Rehab where he writes about music or whatever comes into his head, and you can also often hear him guest on the brilliant Dancing About Architecture podcast as well.
The companion playlist for this episode is available on our Spotify profile but to be honest you could just search for this album as that's all we really chat about. Hope you enjoy it!
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
S03E05 Right Said Fred 'Up'
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
We knew it was coming - looming on our timeline like a brash, bald, pop behemoth. And here we are - Right Said Fred's actual debut album. Obviously we knew the singles already but weren't sure what to expect from the rest of it. Who know, maybe it's full of pleasant pop surprises, we shall have to see.
We do get to discover the link between Jimi Hendrix, RSF and Taylor Swift though which seems unlikely but is actually true, and we reveal a US alt-rock band that almost took Right Said Fred on tour with them in 1992 until their management pointed out what a dreadful idea that actually was.
Check out our companion playlist as always with the full album we discuss and loads of other tunes we talk about, and head to our website for crap memes and links to our various social media.